take the survey

No personal information from this survey will be shared with anyone outside the research team. However, we need your contact information in order to send your Kolb LSI V4.0 Survey results. By submitting this questionnaire, you are consenting for your answers to be used to compile data for a dissertation being written by John E. Knight, a doctoral student at Benedictine University. If you have questions or concerns about this questionnaire, please call me at 832.252.4604 or email john.knight@cbshouston.edu or john_knight@ben.edu.

Please circle the number to the right of each statement that describes your opinion most:

1 − Strongly Disagree     2 − Somewhat Disagree     3 − Slightly Disagree     4 − Neutral     5 − Slightly Agree     6 − Somewhat Agree     7 − Strongly Agree

This research defines digital technologies as the technology used to support learning, to enhance current pedagogy, and to support faculty and learners to create a social network of learning. The integration of digital technologies includes using one or more of the following technologies in instructional methods, i.e., the use of (1) digital content, (2) wireless internet access, (3) smart podiums, (4) virtual learning, (5) online collaboration software, (6) recorded class lectures, (7) high-definition video conferencing, and (8) e-Readers devices.

First Name:
Last Name:
Confirm Email:


1. Learning to integrate some of these digital technologies into my instructional methods would be easy for me.

2. I would find it easy to get some of these digital technologies to do what I want them to do.

3. My interaction with some of these digital technologies would be clear and understandable.

4. I would find some of these digital technologies flexible to interact with.

5. It would be easy for me to become skillful at integrating some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods.

6. I would find integrating some of these digital technologies into my instructional methods easy to do.

7. Integrating some of these digital technologies into my instructional methods would enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly.

8. Integrating some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods would improve my job performance.

9. Integrating some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods would increase my productivity.

10. Integrating some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods would enhance my teaching effectiveness.

11. Integrating some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods would make it easier to do my job.

12. I would find the inclusion of some of these digital technologies into my classroom instructional methods useful in my teaching.